Suggested pledge increase from last year's pledge is 5%, 10%, or more if you can, or make your first pledge!
To calculate a % increase:
2022-23 pledge amount x 1.05 = 5% increase
2022-23 pledge amount x 1.10 = 10% increase
to White Bear Unitarian Universalist Church for the pledge/fiscal year beginning July 1, 2023 and ending June 30, 2024.
After you hit the Submit button at the bottom of this page, you will see a link to our online giving page. You can setup recurring payments or a one-time donation in Breeze. Set them up in July 2023 for this new pledge, or you can start today.
If you have a recurring gift set up for your 2022-23 pledge, you will need to cancel that at the end of the pledge year or edit it for your 2023-24 pledge. (It will not stop automatically.)
If you have questions or need assistance with electronic pledges or donations, please contact Direction of Operations Michael Buerke:, 651-426-2369.