WBUUC 2023-24 Pledge Form

Please fill out this form and click submit.
Suggested pledge increase from last year's pledge is 5%, 10%, or more if you can, or make your first pledge!
To calculate a % increase:
2022-23 pledge amount x 1.05 = 5% increase
2022-23 pledge amount x 1.10 = 10% increase
to White Bear Unitarian Universalist Church for the pledge/fiscal year beginning July 1, 2023 and ending June 30, 2024.
Please select one option.
Online Payment Options

After you hit the Submit button at the bottom of this page, you will see a link to our online giving page. You can setup recurring payments or a one-time donation in Breeze.  Set them up in July 2023 for this new pledge, or you can start today.

If you have a recurring gift set up for your 2022-23 pledge, you will need to cancel that at the end of the pledge year or edit it for your 2023-24 pledge.  (It will not stop automatically.)

If you have questions or need assistance with electronic pledges or donations, please contact Direction of Operations Michael Buerke: office@wbuuc.org, 651-426-2369.


Please fill out this form and click submit.